Friday, May 28, 2010

So the other day I left my facebook up at my friends house. An old friend who is a total wash up loser who is attempting to be a rapper then proceeded to say hey on facebook chat, my friend pretending to be me said FUCK YOU RAY before logging off swiftly. I know I may not be the nicest person in the world, but this hate mail literally made me laugh. This is what happens when you put your head up your ass.

To be honest Idk who the fuck you think you are Bry You come to me out of no where and say all this shit and tell me I'm an idiot about things you have no fucking clue about then tell me about who I was and what I did when I've already figured all this out months ago Do you think this is fucking news to me? Do you think I'm that stupid I'm not aware of what happened? Of course I do. I don't think you understand what the whole point of what happened its not about what I was using its about what I was or wasn't doing when I was getting high I wasn't happy, and now I am I'm doing everything I always wanted to I don't have assholes and people who claim they're there and really aren't holding me back from my dreams And you know what I don't really give a fuck about what you have to say why the fuck would I value your input in the first fucking place its always the same fucking thing with you You're a selfish prick you want something or you need something thats why you messaged me telling me you're making rhymes but have no producer Was I suppose to make an offer? Fuck you. You don't want the work or effort don't bother me I've come to far along on my own to stop and start thinking everything over because you had to say something and I'm shocked I'm even writing this to you cause I trusted the idea that maybe we could make some sort of amend but honestly it would be pointless I don't need it I don't I have what I have now because of what I decided to do and I'm happy don't think that you're gunna come to me and tell me about my life when you don't know shit and when you don't even understand it You're the biggest critic there is and you make it seem like you're the most important one and Yeah you know what I can still be an asshole but only if you give me a good reason and you coming out of know where trying to make it seem like I'm some sort of liar or some sort of faker for what happened you deserve it like I said my life wasn't that bad but its a lot of shit to deal with its a lot of reality But fuck it I don't need you to know that I don't give a fuck if you comprehend one damn word I say cause in the end I'm still gunna do what I want I refuse to let anyone or anything get in my way and I'm not looking for a fight but you just said the wrong fucking things learn to approach things better dick.

I answered him, lets just say he didnt have much to say back haha

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